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kinds of vocabulary

7:00 PM Reporter: online-earning 0 Responses
1.Oral vocalabury consist of words actively used in speech. They are the words that come readily to the tongue of the one”s conversation .The more often a person utters a word, the more readily it will come to his tongue.

2.Writing vocalabury is the words that come readily to one”s finger –vocalabury.

3.Listening vocalabury is the stock of words to which one responds with meaning and understood in writing of others.

4.Reading vocalabury is the words which one responds with meaning and understood in writing of others.

Harmer[1991:staters the distinetion between active and passive vocalabury. Active vocalabury refers to vocalabury that students have been taught or learnt and which they are expected to be able to use.While passive vocalabury refers to words that the students will recognize when they meet them, but will probably not able to produce . he also nassumes that a word that students have in their passive store may suddenly become active if the situation or context provokes its use.


three types of vocalabury

6:58 PM Reporter: online-earning 0 Responses
1.Actyve vocalabury, the words that we customary use in speaking and probably runs from 5000 to 10.000 words.
2.Reserve vocalabury ,the words that we know but we rarely use in speaking .we use them in writing letter,
3.Passive vocalabury ,the words that we recognize vaguely but are not sure of their meanings. We never use them in either speaking or writing and we just know that we haveseen them before.


Concep of Vocabulary

6:56 PM Reporter: online-earning 0 Responses
Several scholars have given their opinios abount what voca bulari area as follows;
•Carter [1987] say that vocabulary is the words having meaning when heard or seen even though not produce by the individual himself to communicate with others.
•Homby [1973 ;1120 ]defines vocabularyas as book containing as list of words list of words used in abook,etc,use with the definition or translation.
•Oxford [1974]point out that vocaiaburi is the total number of words which[with rules of combining them ]make up a language
•Webster [1987]defines vocalaburi as the stock of words used by a particular peopl,class,person member of an acepation or profession, etc.
•Harmer [1999:153]states that vocalaburi is that vocalaburiy ia the vital organs and fresh to the language activity can hardly do withut
•Vocalaburiy is the total number of wordsin in a language [Colloncobuild English Language


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11:36 PM Reporter: online-earning 0 Responses
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